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Why do buyers choose our products?

Today, the Gladiator Group of companies is not just a manufacturer, but a whole world of outdoor goods that unite people with a passion for fishing, hunting, water sports, adventure and family recreation.

Every year we justify the trust of our customers and more than 400 dealers in 20 European countries. All this has become possible thanks to the core values of Gladiator:
— premium quality
— affordable price
— reliability

One of the key advantages of Gladiator is versatility, in our model range there is an opportunity to choose a boat and a motor for any task.

Our test engineers continue to conduct their own design developments, continuously improving Gladiator boats.

Gladiator boats
Outboard motors

Торговая марка Gladiator — это не просто производитель, а целый мир товаров для активного отдыха, объединяющих людей со страстью к рыбалке, охоте, водному спорту, приключениям и семейному отдыху.

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Производство Gladiator

Собственное производство в России и Китае

Лодки и моторы Gladiator

Товары премиум-класса по доступной цене

Точки продаж

400 дилеров по всей России и в 20 странах Европы
